Gifts of the Ghost

Molly Fitz
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Аннотация: I'm Mags McAllister, and my cat is a ghost. Well, sort of. It's a long story. All you really need to know is that, thanks to said cat, I can now see the spirits of people long past. They bring me the mysteries surrounding their death and expect me to solve them. But you can't exactly do a quick Google search to learn more about small-town events that happened more than a century ago. Apparently you help one wayward specter and more will start appearing at the foot of your bed in the middle of the night. Uh-huh, I'm creeped out, too. This time, a Victorian-era gentleman named William is in need of my assistance. Now what could he possibly want? I guess there's only one way to find out...

Gifts of the Ghost

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“It’s common practice for someone with head injuries. He’ll need some extensive care when he comes out of the anesthesia. He was treated quickly, so that’s in his favor. If there isn’t any brain swelling or cranial bleeding, then he should be fine. It’s looking good.”

“Was there brain damage?” I latched on to the idea, already worrying about the worst-case scenario. “Is there a risk for that?”

“I’m not a doctor, so I can’t say for sure. It wasn’t something the doctors appeared concerned with. They acted like his outcome was a good one.”

I threw back the covers. “Thank you. Is there any way I can see him?”

“The doctor is speaking to his family now. I’ll finish up your discharge papers, but you should go home and rest. Then you can come up here tomorrow and see him.” The nurse smiled as she got things ready for my release. “He should be awake by then, and you’ll be feeling a little better.”

I fretted about him being up here. “I don’t want him to wake up alone.”

“Oh, he’s not alone. His brother is waiting there with him.”

“What? That’s the man that tried to kill him!” I yelled.

The nurse’s eyes widened, and she took off running.

“Call Don. He needs to know.” I motioned for Aunt Linda to get her phone because I had no idea where mine was.

Instead, she handed me the phone. I’d memorized Don’s cell number in case I needed it. Not because I was his girlfriend or anything.

“Don,” I tried not to yell into the phone as I put it on speaker. “Liam is in the hospital. The nurse said Wes’ brother is visiting him. He’s trying to finish the job.”

“I’ll make sure we get him. Gotta go.” He hung up, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Auntie, I need to go up there. I can’t just sit here all day not knowing if Wes is safe.” I slid out of bed and pulled on the scrubs the nurse had brought for me to wear home.

Her phone rang before I got them fully on, and I picked it up.

“We’ve arrested him. Wes is safe. You’re safe now, too.” Don’s triumphant words filled me with hope.

“Really?” I held my breath, hoping it was true.

“He’s in handcuffs, and they’re escorting him to the station now. The only reason there wasn’t an officer on Wes’s door is that the hospital got their wires crossed and didn’t notify us that he’d been moved from recovery to a room.”

“Oh, thank goodness. Thank you, Don.” I held back the sobs of joy I could feel trying to escape.

His voice softened. “How are you? Are you going to be all right?”

“I’m filling out the discharge papers right now. They’re giving me an inhaler and meds. They want to make sure that I’ll stay as good as new, thanks to you anyway.”

“Anytime. Can’t have you dying on me, can I?”

“Nope.” I smiled.

“I’ll let you go home. I’ll check on you tomorrow.” The line clicked.

“What happens now?” I asked Aunt Linda, unsure if we should go home.

“Let’s rest for the night and come back tomorrow. Then you can look at Wes all you need to.” She smiled as if she knew I’d do it no matter what.

When we arrived the next day, they wouldn’t let more than one person in the room at a time.

I sat on the edge of the bed while Aunt Linda stood just outside the door, meaning we were technically obeying the rules.

“How do we get William and Maggie to cross over? Isn’t their job done now?” I asked her through the doorway. Wes was still sound asleep. The nurses said he might be out for hours more as his body recovered from the ordeal he’d been through.

Shadow jumped up on the bed with a soft purr.

“What are you doing here? They don’t allow animals in the hospital,” I whispered.

She just meowed and looked up at me. Then she put her paw on my knee.

We both laughed at her antics.

A moment later, Maggie appeared next to Wes’s bed, looking more at peace.

“Thank you so much for helping to save me,” I said, wishing I could hug her or squeeze her hand or something to tell her thank you.

She gave us a soft smile and disappeared.

Somehow, I knew that was it. She’d found her peace. William stared at the spot where Maggie had stood.

He frowned. “Unfair. When’s it my turn?”

I chuckled as Wes opened his eyes. “I’m not sure exactly what we did to give Maggie her peace, but you’re next, William. Don’t worry. I know you’ll find your way.”

Ready for Mags’s and Shadow’s next great adventure?

PLEAS OF THE POLTERGEIST is now available.

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PLEAS OF THE POLTERGEIST is now available.

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While USA Today bestselling author Molly Fitz can't technically talk to animals, she and her doggie best friend, Sky Princess, have deep and very animated conversations as they navigate their days. Add to that, five more dogs, a snarky feline, comedian husband, and diva daughter, and you can pretty much imagine how life looks at the Casa de Fitz.

Molly lives in a house on a high hill in the Michigan woods and occasionally ventures out for good food, great coffee, or to meet new animal friends.

Writing her quirky, cozy animal mysteries is pretty much a dream come true, but sometimes she also goes by the names Melissa Storm and Mila Riggs and writes a very different kind of story.

Learn more, grab the free app, or sign up for her newsletter at! PET WHISPERER P.I.

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Pet Whisperer P.I. Books 1-3

Pet Whisperer P.I. Books 4-6

Pet Whisperer P.I. Books 7-9

Pet Whisperer P.I. Books 10-12 CONNECT WITH MOLLY

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L.A. (Lainie) Boruff lives in East Tennessee with her husband, three children, and an ever growing number of cats. She loves reading, watching TV, and procrastinating by browsing Facebook. L.A.’s passions include vampires, food, and listening to heavy metal music. She once won a Harry Potter trivia contest based on the books and lost one based on the movies. She has two bands on her bucket list that she still hasn’t seen: AC/DC and Alice Cooper. Feel free to send tickets.

Learn more or sign up for her newsletter at! PRIMETIME OF LIFE

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