Pathogenesis of cancer

Сергей Шалин
(1 голос)
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Аннотация: This article is devoted to the pathogenesis of cancer. The processes of cancer cell formation are briefly described.

Pathogenesis of cancer

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A feature of the formation of a “pre-tumor” bed is the obligatory presence of pre-tumor diseases of the body in general and pre-tumor pathological changes in local tissues in particular. In normal healthy tissues, the occurrence of a malignant process is impossible. A feature of preparing a cell for transformation into a malignant cell is the multi-stage process. Moreover, each stage has its own characteristics that determine the possibility of continuing the process, during which decisive genotypic and epigenetic changes can occur. A feature of the “birth” of a primary malignant stem cell is the obligatory entry into the process of mitosis of a cell that has genotypic and epigenetic changes. Only during MITOSIS does the transformation mechanism occur and the level and nature of genotypic changes become manifest. In this case, the transformation mechanism occurs in an isolated microcavity and, thus, escapes the influence and control of local tissues. A feature of the growth of a malignant lesion is its autonomy and ability to self-organize and self-regulate. Using the host organism as the basis for its own development, the malignant process subjugates the normal cellular and non-cellular structures of vital organs and systems. A peculiarity of the mechanism of penetration of mononuclear cells from the vascular bed into the tissue, and of malignant cells from the primary focus into the vascular bed, is the use of the same section of the microvasculature — the postcapillary and venule. Figuratively speaking, “through whatever “doors” the cells came out, through the same ones they returned.” A feature of the development of the malignant process is the perverted repetition of embryonic hematopoiesis. The host organism unconsciously “connects” a false option to enhance its ability to survive by maintaining individual aging organs. In reality, this path is a dead end, and the mechanism is destructive.

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