Struggle. Taste of power

Владимир Андерсон
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Аннотация: The third part of the "Struggle" saga. Under the control of the Mountain the entire group "Donetsk-Makeyevka", consisting of seven mines. And now he has his own armed formations at his command. But the situation is complicated by a sharp increase in the confrontation between the SCK and the Inquisition, two powerful organizations, each of which seeks to subdue the entire Empire. With each step, the plot gets steeper and steeper, revolving around mysteries and power struggles. Gore must make a difficult choice, and the fate of the Empire depends on it. This book offers incredible twists and turns of events, searing mysteries, and dramatic decisions. Join this epic adventure where power and betrayal are closely intertwined in the struggle for the future of the Empire.

Struggle. Taste of power

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The punitive drill of the Holy Inquisition was distinguished from the Inquisitors only by its heavy armor and military chevrons on the forearm with the image of the Black Stone on a white background. It was trained better by the commanders of the Imperial Army and the SCK. All former. Already after their seniority, the church involved them in individual work. And gave them all the resources. Absolutely everything to achieve one goal — the punitive drill of the Holy Inquisition must be better than any drill of the army, the SCK, the Hivi or the Maquis. The plagues in this drill must know all the techniques and tactics of combat that any of the opponents opposing them could know. And it wasn't a matter of prestige or competition — it was a matter of survival. Those who could not keep up with the rhythm or could not reach the necessary standards were not just kicked out, they were executed by their own coworkers by stoning to death. This is how obedience was formed in the plagues from the "unspoken resource", and this is how this unit became the first invisible fighting unit of the empire.

Samoh's plan was to break a narrow path in the outer perimeter positions to the main administrative building of the Diza sector, and then kill Ananhr in a quick firefight to make it look like a failed resistance to an Inquisition action. But when he saw that the hivi unit that stood in their way began to redeploy, leaving the road empty, the plan changed somewhat. There was no need to make the narrow path now, and the approach to the building could be quite a surprise to the plagues within it. This was a much more fortunate coincidence.

The terrain had a lot of ravines and cliffs, which made it possible to get there quite stealthily, though with a decent increase in time. The column of the punitive buras, six of the Metropolitan's novices, and Samokh himself stretched out in a long string, and after an hour or so of travel they were all covered in mucky mud.

Samokh thought once again of all the things he had to do to do what pleased the holy church. He looked at his luxurious vestment, now stained with brown clay underneath, and thought that it was not the most original thing he had ever done.

In his former position as a priest of the church's central apparatus, he was responsible for the files of church officials and carried out individual assignments for Nevrokh, then still Metropolitan, who was responsible for the CCC and the higher administration. These files periodically had to be wiped up in some cases and added to in others. So once he happened to personally follow one of the priests, and then arrange a show raid, so that he gave up his claims to one of the most important posts of the holy church, responsible for the finances of the organization. He was added to the dossier with a note stating that he was unable to keep track of his finances and a note written at Samoh's dictation, in which he apologized to his father for having spent a large portion of the funds once entrusted to him on gifts to his women, three of whom were listed in the document. Of course, with such facts, the priest lost all chances for any post connected with something material.

And the mud on the dress shoes he was wearing now, and the already caked clay on his robe, reminded him of that very stakeout nine years ago. He had gotten muddy in much the same way then, climbing a slope near his subject's house. He had lived in the suburbs of Chum Batu, and the soil there was as black as it was here, as thick and greasy as if oiled with something. How much time had passed, what post he held now, and still the realities of service had not changed much. Except that then he was not surrounded by a hundred and fifty selected fighters of the "undisclosed resource".

And, as then, his sudden appearance surprised many people. It was too late to do anything about the inquisitors, as the security detachments of the SFK had seen them on the very outskirts of the administration. At such a distance one could see who it was, and if the shooting started they would be blamed on the SCF, which would have to admit on the one hand that they had let a whole unit get close to them without their knowledge, and on the other hand that they had recognized the unit and opened fire on it deliberately. The former meant that they were incapable of controlling the area around their facilities, the latter that they were openly declaring war on the Church. Ananhr didn't have the authority to do that, and besides, there was no certainty that her drill would overpower the Invisition's drill, so when she was informed of the appearance of Church officials, she gave the green light for their passage.

Samoh saw this formation perfectly well. Ananhr had been cornered, and now nothing could stop him from finishing his game in the Deez sector. They couldn't keep him out now, and then they wouldn't be able to deny his requests if he staggered them. And that he could do perfectly well, something he had recently managed to hone on Bazankhra.

The inner perimeter was fenced in with a gridiron net, and the SSchekists opened the gate. There were obviously not many of them, and there were only ten chums on duty outside, and the passing by them of the sweating but not tired chums of the punitive buras together with the metropolitan looked almost like the surrender of the camp after a siege.

The Inquisitors took up positions inside the perimeter, then advanced into the building and took up positions there, not threatening the S.S.C. in any way yet, but simply creating the appearance of a security fortification for the presence of their patron. Almost immediately, one of the officers approached Samoh and offered to help station the soldiers:

— You are so unexpected, Your Eminence… There has just been gunfire nearby. The Maquis have attacked. Allow me to offer you shelter within our walls.

— That's very kind of you. — Samokh was somewhat amused, but he didn't show it. — Take me to the Sector Chief.

The internal architecture and layouts were no different from those of the Corsa sector, but the decoration was not similar at all. In fact, there wasn't much of one. Bare walls without any paintings or decorations, only occasional service and propaganda posters, which were usually hung in workrooms rather than in the premises of the SChK. No bronze busts or statues. No carpets or lacquered furniture. Everything is very strict, rank and ascetic. As if this was not an administrative building, but a monastery filled with fanatics, where there could be no place for anything worldly.

Such was also Ananhr's private office. Her personal guard of six chums inside and four in front of the door stopped the metropolitan and his novices, and separately reported their appearance.

An order was immediately followed to let them pass.

Ananhr herself sat at a small table and watched the surroundings through the panoramic window, looking out. She looked out at the industrial chimney and the surrounding steppes. The expression on her face said nothing, and the silence in the office seemed subdued.

Samoh knew that Manhra, the karak of the sector, had once been shot dead in this office. And then a rebel had been tortured, who had given away some information, the details of which only the SCK knew. And rumor has it that this information turned out to be a very unfortunate acquisition. The fact that Ananhr was sitting so calmly could speak either of her idle stupidity or of some far-reaching and many times calibrated plans.

— Why is it so difficult to reach you, Mrs. Ananhr? — The metropolitan asked, stepping evenly to her table. Pieces of clay flew from his sides and fell to the parquet with a clatter.

— Call me by my title, Metropolitan Priest. — So why have you come to us?" she said without looking at him.

Samoh sat down in a chair as his novices lined up in a semicircle behind him:

— Why are you so quick, Colonel… Your fellow officers are usually very courteous to representatives of the Church.

— Yes, and they burn afterward, too, courteously. — Ananhr turned and looked straight into his eyes.

— They burn courteously. There's no disputing that… But the judgment of the Holy Inquisition is first of all just. I will not waste your precious time, Colonel… I am here on such business to bless you and your unit for future service… It was not a long journey, and all for the sake of our common cause. A cause worthy of the sacred Black Stone…

— Then bless, Your Eminence. Or do you need help from the CCC leadership?

— Yes. I need your help.

A silence settled. Ananhr looked at him without showing any emotion. It was evident that she had long been able to control her actions and it would not be possible to make her mad. After all, her brother is a member of the Central Committee of the Empire. And she had the proper upbringing. Education and character. Yes, there was a reason why she was sent here, to one of the most important parts of the Empire now.

— Leave us. — said the inquisitor to his novices. They left quickly, and Samoh was left alone in his office with Ananhr and her guards. — I trust you, Colonel. You see, I have released my own.

— That's fine. — If you're implying that I should let my own go too, it won't happen. Their job is to guard me round the clock. Wherever I am… So what do you want?

With each new step Samoh realized that his task was becoming more and more difficult. She is quite straightforward, but at the same time, you can't reproach her for anything. Everything is strict, clear and according to the rules. Those are the Inquisition's favorite words. And when these words are in the hands of the enemy, there is nothing to punish.

— You're in danger, Colonel. And these are not empty words… I have something to tell you about some former details of this sector… For example, details of the Bulgarian Soma uprising at this mine, which may have been one of the reasons for the formation of the autonomy….

Ananhr was silent. Her expression on her face and eyes still did not change. At some point he realized that she was very beautiful, and it was even a wonder how he could not have noticed it before. Plague women were usually characterized by rounded facial features and a rather coarse nose — her face was more very neat and her nose was thin and straight, adding a sort of sexiness to her nature. Samoh continued:

— Almost a year ago, my patron Nevroh gave the command to organize this rebellion. We had two men infiltrated as leaders of their soma. They were real provocateurs, who did everything in their power to encourage their soma to openly oppose the Empire. And they were to act wherever we gave the command. And we gave it in the Diza sector… The choice was not accidental, because it was here that the Maquis eliminated Karak and put you in his place… The rebellion was supposed to sweep away your units, kill you personally, and the Imperial army units that arrived would have suppressed the rebellion and returned control over the sector to the civilian administration of Bluh… The plan was thwarted because of your current protégé, whom you call Prefect… And rest assured, we will soon remove him with our own forces, and there will be a new rebellion at the mine, worse than the old one, which will certainly sweep away the SCK in the entire district… Of course, including you…

— What a touching story, Your Eminence. — So why are you telling it to me, if it's going so well?

— I told you… I need your help… Ergo, you need mine.

— Considering the literal shit you're in right now, Your Eminence…" Ananhr replied, her eyes pointing to the hem of the Metropolitan's robe. — It seemed out of place to offer your help. Not to mention how you would bless someone like that.

It's all about playing on the edge. And a masterful one at that. On the one hand she was accusing him of inappropriate behavior, but on the other hand she was obviously concerned about the holy sacraments of the Church, which no one, not even the patriarch, was allowed to violate. Otherwise it would nullify both their sanctity and the sanctity of those who administer them. It was not for her to say so, but she was right, and therefore there was nothing to answer.

— Well, that's the way it is with transportation here. — replied the inquisitor. — And security…

— And you were warned, Your Eminence. That for your own good, you should delay your visit… but you didn't. You came here by all means, and confessed to me that His Holiness the Holy Patriarch is engaged in subversive activities, which should be understood no other way than an attempted coup d'état… I must admit, it's a bit surprising….

— I serve the Holy Church… the Holy Church, not the patriarch. It also happens that a patriarch may stumble, that is why there is a Holy Sejm, so that it is possible to replace the patriarch, if necessary, with a more worthy one… I told you about it only to warn you, and no more. — So if we start a trial against him, you'll be a witness?

— Absolutely. — Samokh took the most implacable look. — The patriarch should not allow himself to meddle in worldly affairs, especially through such unacceptable actions.

Ananhr shook her head slowly in the affirmative, looked out the panoramic window, then turned to the metropolitan again:

— Good. So if you're on the side of the interests of the Empire and not someone else's personal interests, what do you say to the recent execution of Colonel Bazankhra?

— Fatal accident. Your colleague, apparently, is not allowed to drink at all. He had too much to drink and began to publicly desecrate the holy faith, and when he was asked to stop, he went on to make direct death threats against members of the Holy Inquisition… I would have let it pass, of course, but, you see, there were plenty of witnesses around who would have reported that I had not taken the proper measures… I don't know what Bazankhr was thinking when he was doing all this madness.

— I see. — I want to ask you again about the intentions of His Holiness Patriarch Nevrokh… After a successful rebellion, did he plan to gain access to direct control of the Donetsk-Makeyevka faction or through Bluh's civilian administration? Was Bluh in cahoots with him?

— I don't know that, Colonel… — he hesitated a bit. — I only know for sure about his involvement in the organization of an uprising to destroy the SCK and you personally… I can say that for sure. I don't know about his further plans.

— It is quite enough, Your Eminence… To bring you in as a witness. — Ananhr's beautiful eyes turned to the guard on her right. — Take him into custody.

— You have no right! — Samokh jumped up from his seat. — I am the Metropolitan!

He turned toward the door and shouted to his subordinates who had recently left the office.

— Don't make a fuss. — said Ananhr while her guards were twisting him. — Four armed commandos can handle six unarmed ragamuffins anyhow.

— You're forgetting yourself, Colonel. — Samokh said with a less heated tone. — I have with me the punitive drill of the Holy Inquisition. If I give the order, they'll sweep this place away!

— Yes, if you just give the order…" Ananhr rose from her seat and walked out from behind the desk. She looked very attractive in her black dress with the SCK insignia on the sleeve, and it was strange that such thoughts were on her mind at this moment. — And until you do, they will stand in place like statues until they starve to death… You have obedience there — the cornerstone of these units… And that you inadvertently did not say that you are not asked, so for this we have our own wonderful drugs. Not as clumsy as the ones you like to slip to your interlocutors… With our drugs you will be in such bliss that you will not even think that something is going wrong… And we will find a worthy use for your wonderful storm of unspoken resources….

Strangely enough, with all these words, the expression in her eyes and face was no different from that of ten minutes ago. Still as calm, confident, and reserved. Education and character. There was no other way that such a thing could have been achieved only by a simultaneous combination of the two.

— Oh, yes, I'm sorry. — Not us, but you will find a wonderful use for the storm of unspoken resources… With our help.

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