Struggle. Taste of power

Владимир Андерсон
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Аннотация: The third part of the "Struggle" saga. Under the control of the Mountain the entire group "Donetsk-Makeyevka", consisting of seven mines. And now he has his own armed formations at his command. But the situation is complicated by a sharp increase in the confrontation between the SCK and the Inquisition, two powerful organizations, each of which seeks to subdue the entire Empire. With each step, the plot gets steeper and steeper, revolving around mysteries and power struggles. Gore must make a difficult choice, and the fate of the Empire depends on it. This book offers incredible twists and turns of events, searing mysteries, and dramatic decisions. Join this epic adventure where power and betrayal are closely intertwined in the struggle for the future of the Empire.

Struggle. Taste of power

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Natasha had a dream similar to the previous ones. This dense, endless forest, where you couldn't see the huge armies, but you could feel their presence. At least this time it wasn't raining so much. It was quite dry, dark and quiet. No rumbling. No hum of voices. No stirring of any kind.

She suddenly found herself in the middle of a small grove that was quite light and peaceful. No warriors, weapons, armor were felt nearby. Only a young man in the work clothes of a miner stood in front of her. Handsome, strong, and with very intelligent eyes. Clear eyes. The kind that a girl would like to drown in, as in something light and exciting at the same time.

— Maria. Her name is Maria. — he said.

— I don't understand… What secret am I supposed to learn with her? What will it change? — Natasha answered incomprehensibly, trying to see some truth in his eyes, but there was none. There was only a direct, clear look without the heaviness that usually comes from the eyes of a person who knows something important.

— It will change your life. It'll change everyone else's life. It'll even change my death.

Because I miss her so much.

Very strange words. He seemed very much alive, healthy and full of vigor. His skin was a little pale, but that was nothing more than the color of his skin. But something seemed odd about him, and it wasn't yet clear what it was….

— How do I find her?

— First you have to want it. And when you want it, they'll help you find it. There are plenty of people who can do that around you… I couldn't find it if I were you. No one would help me. But they will help you. If you want it, of course.

Natasha looked at him, and she felt scared. And then she realized why. He wasn't breathing!

It was quiet, and she could hear her own breathing, her own heartbeat, and the occasional breeze.

But he's not breathing. And his chest doesn't move. It's a dead man!

She staggered backward, and then it was as if she recoiled:

— Stop! You're dead!

— Yes. It is. I told you that you can change the lives of others and even my death.

— Why change it?! Why change anything if you're dead???? — Natasha screamed and immediately covered her hands with her palms…..

— It's all right, Natasha. You're what…" someone's voice said, a little anxiously.

She woke up. In sweat and Misha's arms. He stroked her head and held her close to him:

— Natasha… My darling, it's all right… Everyone's alive. It's all right.

She calmed down a little, especially seeing that his eyes were not at all like the man she had just seen in her dream. Misha's eyes were very alive and very specific, all business and constant thoughts about different details. It was a little comforting right now.

— I saw him again. In my dream. — said the girl.

— Who? The warrior who told you about the secret of the Black Stone?

— Yes. Him. Maria. He said again that I had to find her. And I would if I wanted to. And that it would change other people's lives. And his death. He was already dead. And he said he missed her, I guess. Maria, since he kept talking about her. Should I believe it?

Misha took a deep breath. After all these betrayals and suspicions, the question of trust seemed blasphemous to him:

— Trust who? Who to trust? There Grisha … How many I knew him. How many we fought hand in hand. How much blood spilled … And he, it turns out, surrenders us to the plagues … And happily does it … You should have seen his eyes … And how he said it "penalty major Bolotnikov" … His last words. Words full of contempt. Like the devil himself said them, it made me shudder… And how easily he sent himself to the other world. Just like that.

— You didn't want to tell me.

— Yeah. I didn't mean to. It's the kind of thing you don't want to tell anyone. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have— I just couldn't help myself. I wanted to say it to someone else instead of dragging it out with the major.

— How did you know it was him? Why did you even go to check on Grisha?

— No one believed it was Ranierov. He's a real piece of work. But a lot of things didn't add up. So I started thinking. I went to Bolotnikov and told him that Gora was too definite about Ranierov. As if there were no options. As if there's no one else… And there's that girl the miners asked us to meet, but we couldn't find her. Her father's a foreman, after all. And he didn't say anything about her. Maybe he's got his own game going on. Now that he's prefect, he's got so many subordinates. Maybe he didn't want to talk about her. And who else he didn't want to talk about…

And even if it's nothing about her, it's for sure, even if she is for sure… And there's little chance… There's little chance. This unambiguity is strange… It doesn't fit… There could be someone else. And we could have found her, too.

— And you didn't find it?

— No, we didn't find her. Somebody saw her once. On the other side of the river. Maybe they imagined it. Well, how do you look for her? Walk through the woods and fields and yell, "M-a-r-iya…" Is that it?

— Maria? Her name is Maria?

— Yeah…

Misha looked at her and tried to figure out what else he could have said wrong, since she had such a change in her look, and couldn't figure it out.

— It's her! She's the one asking me to find that ghost in my dream!

— All right, all right, all right. I'm not even gonna argue… He's asking me to find her. All right. What are you gonna do now? I'm gonna raise our units and look for some chick? Who am I gonna tell that makes as much sense as you say it does? That you need her to understand the secret of the Black Stone. They won't even let me finish, they'll say that you're all drunk and crazy with grief. That's what they'll tell me.

— So you remind her that the Mountain needs her.

Misha froze. He didn't even know what to say to that. Woe, because she was really needed then. Needed then, needed now. And, if they have a hunch that he started to play not on their side, so she will be very useful. It does make sense, regardless of what Natasha was dreaming about.

He put his arms around her and kissed her hard:

— You're smart… You should be a chief commander…

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